
Friday, September 29, 2017

Lutong Pinoy 4: Dinengdeng


1 whole milk fish, sliced and grilled
2 to 3 cups malunggay (moringa) leaves, cleaned
2 cups squash flower
12 to 15 pieces small to medium sized okra
1 bundle string beans, sliced into 3 inch pieces
2 pieces medium ampalaya (bitter gourd), cored and sliced
2 to 3 tablespoons bagoong isda (unprocessed fish sauce)
1 knob ginger, sliced
2 medium tomato, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cups water


Bring water to a boil in a large cooking pot.
Add the ginger, onion, and tomato. Cook covered for 5 minutes.
Pour-in the bagoong isda. Stir.
Add okra and string beans. Stir and add the ampalaya. Cook in medium heat for 7 to 10 minutes.
Put-in the squash flower and malunggay leaves. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes.
Add the grilled milk fish. Let it stay for 3 to 5 minutes to add flavor to the dish.

-Almost every weekend without class on my childhood days, I still remember going to fields in the province. As long as have “bagoong”, any grilled fish and ginger, any other ingredients can be found around. Leafy vegetables, tomatoes, bean strings and ampalaya. After cooking, eating in banana leaves is the best part.
A few years ago and part of the past, around five kilometers walk, boat to cross the river or walk when not deep. In the field you can see corn plant everywhere, on the corners are vegetables. There are bananas, malunggay and any others.

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