
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Anta Kallam

Makahulugang mga salita, sa puso nagmula
ipinakita sa madla, inipon ng abang nag iisa
emosyong kinatago tago, nalabas ng todo todo
minsan may kirot sa puso, damdaming halo halo
mayron ding ligayang hatid, may ngiting matatamo
puno ng aral at sa buhay pagpapakatotoo

ipopost ko na ito, para sa pagtapos ng pebrero
makalimutan narin at maging bahagi ng nakaraan oh...
July 13, 2011-February 28, 2012

Basa mode lang... Enjoy

the consequences of the choices you make can change your life in the blink of an eye, be sure of what you do before you do it, sometimes it can't be undone

done with my part, do what you want

Dont make your past destroy your future.

Be strong.Remember! Not everything has a happy ending and endings don't mean Stop! Its just a way of telling us that there's a New Beginning ahead of us!!

Moving on isn't about not loving someone anymore and forgetting them. It's about having the strength to say "I still love you, but you're not worth this pain

There's always a right time to end something.

Tired for everything.

I cant promise u a perfect relationship w/o arguments over our differences and trust issues. However, I can promise u that as long as u're trying, I'm staying.

I don't need someone to love me, kiss me, hug me, and hold me this Valentines Day,I need someone who will do that for the other 365 days of the year.

being alone on Valentine's Day sucks enough as is, but it sucks even more when there's actually somebody you really, really want to spend it with, but can't.

Moving forward.


sTARted to forget everything, better luck next time, learned from the past

‎"There's two things in life you cant take back... Words and Bullets. So make sure you hit what you aim at and make sure you mean what you say."

i would respect a true enemy rather than a fake friend!

true friends will not use you, lie about you, or lie to you. if someone does these things Walk Away, you will be much happier not having them around you.

Moving forward, trying to be happy.

Better to be alone rather than to be with others who are not worth.

Seriously? Why do people talk behind your back and not say something to your face? And the funny thing is that it's mostly your friends! =/

i  give respect to only those who are worth it.

your not worth at all.

how will i lived without u

Everyone has mistakes in their life. No ones life is perfect.Everyone will always have problems. But how we deal with them makes us who we are.

Better to scape.

Loving you is my choice... if you hurt me its my choice.

Trying to give up you for the sake of your happiness.

NEVER get attached 2 anyone...
because attachments leads to expectations and expectations leads to disappointments.

Don't trust too much. Don't love too much. Because that too much will hurt you so much.

ot fEeling welL,hw wil i be hpy for like ths,nbody cn coMfort me except u LORD.

So tireD for dz nyt,.my patience and my strength lost,.why like this,lord guidE us..hpe everythng wil be fine..

A Good relationship is not when two "Perfect People" come together.
It's when two "Imperfect People" learn to enjoy their differences

as we go on we remember,all the times we had together and there's last chance come watever we will still be friends forever...

some people hurts by words and some by action..but the biggest hurt believe is that someone ignoring you,when u value them bigger than anything else!!

I know that I keep pushing the people away that I love the most.. But that's just because I'm afraid of being hurt

The Golden Rule of Relationships: "Never hold on to someone who doesn't want to be held"

When a girl finally gives up it's not because she doesn't like you anymore, but because she's tired of always getting hurt and feels like you never will care

Being in a relationship is a full time job, so don't apply if your not ready.

You can't lose what you never had, you can't keep what's not yours and you can't hold on to someone who doesn't want to stay.

never let quarrels stay t0o l0ng, because when y0u let every minute pass by with0ut fixing things, it might change EVERYTHING.

‎"The challenges aren't there to stop you...they're there to help you grow"

Hope,i madE the best choice..its for my own nt for d otherS.

I've got to move on no matter how painful even if it means losing you for good! Sorry but got my own life to live, I've given u enough chance & u wasted it all.

No matter how hard you try to plan your life, God has a special plan just for you!!happy 2012...

thank you so much lord..for the wonderful and all the blessings that u gave to me for 2011,hope more blessings to come this 2012,

KeEp silent,nO coMment..

Expect the unexpecteD..

Don't say goodbye,its hard to let you go...

bakit ngayon ka lng nagparamdam after years past,and now ur telling me that u still love me...para saan pa ngayong may mahal na akong iba...emooooo

Lord grant me the strength to be content where I am. The patience to wait on Your timing. & the faith to remember that You have Your hand always on my heart.

Never have regrets about anything. Each tiny thing shapes you into a stronger person than you were yesterday. It is how you become who you are today.

Without respect, love is lost. Without caring, love is boring. Without honesty, love is unhappy. Without trust, love is unstable.

I had never gone away from you..
It is just that other people came close to you...

Moving forward to positive,.

missing someone special......

its time to say goodbye????or walang iwanan got no direction,,i will surely miss our bonding......

Thinks: obstacles are put in your way so that you can discover the magnitude of the strength you possess.

i've never thought that i could love again,,,

Girls are like police. Once they get hold of all the evidences, they still want to hear the truth from you.

maraming taong ayaw ng magmahal.......Ayaw ng masaktan,lalo na ang maiwanan,,,,Sino ba naman ang gaganahang magmahal,kung sa panahon ngayon ay uso na ang agawan,,,

‎"someone asked me what kind of person i would want to love and be with..i just said... someone that not loves me for what I am but for who I am. "

paanu kong limutan k,kung puso koy hinahanap k,turuan mo nmn ako kung paanu//

A lasting relationship consists of the 3 C's: Commitment . Communication . Compromise

Let me the one to leave forever....

Never court a girl if you can’t love her until all tomorrows end. Never go into a relationship if you can’t handle the strongest storm and the tightest schedule.
Girls are not toys. Love is not a game. If you can’t stand a woman’s moodiness and woman’s questions, don’t court one. Never blame a girl for loving you too much. Because in case you forgot, “Who courted?”

Being able to wait is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say, “I love you”, but not everyone can wait and prove it’s true...

when you are important to another person that person will always find a way to make time for you, no excuses, no lies, no broken promises.

hope,,ur always there,,,hope we are always here as friends,comforting each other..don't worry those problems wer encountering now,hope one day it will disappear and there is new life again especially wer encountering problems to our family now.thats life we nid to be strong for our own..

Always be urself,becAuse dz world has nO roOm for copies!

Not this time,maybe there is a perfEct time for alL,to forgve and forget..

for the people in my past, i miss you.. for the people in my present, i value you.. for the people still around in my future, i love you ?

PLs lord guide me sana magawa ko pang magpatawad

PAubos na ang luha ko,,galit nalang ang maitatanim sa puso't icpan ko,,wag sanang humantong na maging bato ang puso ko dahil sa pinagdadaanan ko...kailangan ko ng mahabang panahon bago magpatawad at magkaroon ng peace of mine..i nid more time to thnk....i hate this life..

It's better to end a relationship while you still care about and love each other than to end it after you hate each other...

If something ended, don't be sad. Simply turn the page, because you never know what is awaiting you in the next chapter...

Sino pipiliin mo?
Yung “ABOGADO” na handing ipagtanggol ang puso mo?
O “DOKTOR” na kayang gamotin ang sugat ng puso mo?
O yung “GURO” na kayang turuan ang puso mo kung paano magmahal ulit?
O yung “BASURIRO” na handang pulutin ka kapag tinapon ka ng taong Mahal mo?

di naman talaga dapat maging attitude ng mag EX
Na di magpansinan after their formal break up..
Wala na bang space for friendship?
Ang yelo pag naging tubig pwede maging yelo ulet

If you're in love with two people,pick the second because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.

"I'm Sorry." is a statement. "I won't do it again." is a promise. "How do I make it up to you?" is a responsibility

Everyday people ask me how I'm holding up. I tell them I'm doing ok. Once I turn around tears fall down my face and whisper I'm not fine I feel like I'm dying

we can never go back and change what has been done..but we can always earn the lessons learned to make things better next time.

Decisions are d hardest to Make,esPecialLy when it is a choice betweEn where u SHOULD be and where u WANT to be..

Seriously don't bother to say a thing...Your actions have spoken louder than any words ever could..

Never regret! Whether it's good, bad, wonderful, or heartbreaking, it's living at it's most real. Always learn and become stronger for what you've experienced.

Everythng happens for a reason,.

the two best ways of escaping a problem: laugh so that u don't stress out, and sleep to forget the problem. Don't do both together or it will freak people out.

Beauty is nothing if u have a rotten attitude and personality from the inside. So don't pretend that u are book with a good cover but with senseless story.

Hay nku nga b naman,kasalanan m bng magkaskit,cnu b naman ang may gusto n mgkskt tau,.mga tao nga b naman sa mundo,wla ng gnwa kundi mgng koNtrbida.buTi nlng God always dr 4 me to nliGhten my mind 4 dos pPol..

be careful of everyone around you. Some may be true to you but some are just wearing a mask. If you trust and believe them so much, they'll hurt you deeper.

be careful of everyone around you. Some may be true to you but some are just wearing a mask. If you trust and believe them so much, they'll hurt you deeper.

God said "If you never felt pain, how would you know I am a healer. If you never felt sadness, how would you know I am a comforter?"

‎" Letting other things happen doesn't mean you've given up. Its simply knowing that beyond risking, sometimes it falls perfectly in place after waiting!"

God will never take anything away from us without giving something so much better.

Choosing to be single isn't selfish, it's just smarter to be alone than with the WRONG person.

Don't be willing to settle for the guy you can live willing to patiently wait for the one you can't live without!

I have a empty hand for someone to hold. I have an empty heart for someone to fill.I have an empty spot for someone to take. -wehhhh

People who cannot accept responsibility for their actions are to be pitied since they will never learn from their mistakes and are destined to repeat them

Don't hold on to people who let you down, hold on to the ones who pull you back up :) ..

when the last teardrops fall?

The things that hurt the most, are the things that you never expected would happen...

falling in love is like letting a man put a gun at your heart and trusting her never to pull the trigger

What we are today is the result of the choices we made in the past.

I'm not afraid of commitment... I'm just afraid of being committed to the wrong person...

Better give your hand to someone who will never let go of you, rather than holding a hand which is not open for you. Live life with your dreams, not compromises...

if you dream and do everything to fulfill it, God will find a way to make things easier. Faith endures all pain, relieves all aches and answers all questions...

Never go back into an old love, no matter how strong it is, because it's like reading a book over and over again when you already know how it end's.....

Your my EX. And EX-ample of my mistake...I need to end up what we started

Learning the art of letting go..

has learned the difference between a promise & a memory.. promises is something that we break and a memory is something that completely breaks us.....

Relationships do not need promises, terms, and conditions. It just needs two wonderful people; one who can trust and one who can understand....

Pleasing everybody is never a responsibility. If they like you for who are, good. If not, it's their problem not yours....

Words, they can be used in so many ways. Always think before you speak, because sometimes what you say hurts a person more than you think!!...

Don't trust too much,don't love too much,because that too much will hurt you so much.

‎"Single is not a status. It is a word that best describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others."
Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life---..

Love is like a butterfly - chase it, it will fly away; pay no attention to it and it will sit softly on your shoulder.

so happy today..thanks GOD for the wonderfull blessings that i've received this day,even there a so many problems and trials ur alsways there cheering me up...thanks for the people who invite me today..

When it comes to happiness, there's no right or wrong. It's just a battle between your happiness and their judgement...

The Duration of Happiness is very short , and sadness rests with you throughout your life :-(

it is easy to reflect on major mistakes.
and hard to eliminate small bad habits....

No one will make a lock without a key..

Similarly, "GOD won't give problems without solutions" :)..

wag mong ipagsiksikan ang sarili mo sa taong ayaw sau,,kung ayaw mo mas lalo n ako...yan ang mga bagay n pwedeng tandaan,...

If music be the food of love, play on; give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken and so die. ”...
july 13,2011

Basa mode lang... Enjoy

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