
Thursday, August 4, 2011


Ramadan, 'time to think peace,' starts today
Five Pillars Of Islam are:
1.Reciting the two-fold Creed (Shahada) (profession of faith) - 'There is no God but Allah' and 'Muhammad is his prophet' (or 'Muhammad
is the Messenger of God') 
2. Prayer (salat) - At five set-times a day while facing towards the city of Mecca.
3. Alms-giving (sakat) (zakat - means 'purification', an act of worship) -obligatory and voluntary giving to the poor.
4. Fasting (saum) - Especially during the 'holy' month of Ramadan.
5. Pilgrimage (hajj) - At least once in a lifetime - to Mecca, Saudi Arabia if at all possible, known as The Hajj.
Among the five pillars of Islam, the fourth pillar is dedicated to preach fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. Also, known as Ramazan, the word finds it's origin in Arabic language, which denotes the ninth month in th Islamic Calendar called Hijri. 

It is believed to be the sacred month when Allah bestos his utmost blessings up on Muslims. The pious month of Ramadan 2009 is going to commence on 23rd, October. The rituals of observing fast is the most important event in the month. Muslims abstain themselves from indulging in any kind of evil practice. Islamic religion defines evil in terms of anger, envy, greed, lust, malice, gossiping etc strictly. Sexual intercourse is prohibited during the fasting period. Purity is maintained at physical as well as mental level. The ritual of fasting is named as Sawm, which is again an Arabic term.
The word Ramadan is derived from the Arabic word Ramida, meaning intense scorching heat and dryness especially the ground. Ramadan is the ninth month of an Islamic Calendar. Muslims believe that during the month of Ramadan the Holy book Quran was sent down from heaven as guidance for men and also as a direction and a means to Salvation.

Ramadan is the month of fasting. It is believed that this is the most effective way when a Muslim can truly devote his soul to god. It’s the best way to concentrate on the devotion to god and withdrawing self from the schedule of life. Fasting is one of the pillars of Islam, which a Muslim has to follow. Pillars here refer to the duties followed by a Muslim.
Wishin a Happy and Peaceful Ramadan all over the World…-svj

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