
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Computing Area of a Polygon with Text Label

(defun c:car ( / o1 ipt opp parea)
(setq clyer(getvar"clayer"))
(command "layer" "m" "polyline boundary" "")
(command "layer" "c" "2" "polyline boundary" "")
(command "color" "bylayer")
(setq ipt (getpoint "\n Select Internal Point: "))
(command "-Boundary" ipt"" "")
(setq o1 (entlast))
(redraw o1 3)
(command "area" "O" "L")
(setq opp (getvar "area"))
(initget 1)
(setq parea(getpoint"\n where to put area text"))
(command "layer" "m" "area text" "")
(command "layer" "c" "81" "area text" "")
(command "color" "bylayer")
(initget 1)
(command "text" parea "1"0 (rtos opp 2 2))
(setq elast(entlast))
(command "scale" elast"" parea)


Subdividing a Polygon Parallel to a Line

(defun ang_between (p10 p11 p20 p21 / px p1 p2 l_pt l_d p ang)
(setq px (inters p10 p11 p20 p21 nil))
(if (> (distance px p10) (distance px p11)) (setq p1 p10) (setq p1 p11))
(if (> (distance px p20) (distance px p21)) (setq p2 p20) (setq p2 p21))
l_pt (list px p1 p2)
l_d (mapcar 'distance l_pt (append (cdr l_pt) (list (car l_pt))))
p (/ (apply '+ l_d) 2.0)
ang (* (atan (sqrt (/ (* (- p (car l_d)) (- p (caddr l_d))) (* p (- p (cadr l_d)))))) 2.0)
(defun c:divpar ( / pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 S1 ang1 ang2 x1 x2 ptx1 ptx2)
  (setq pt1 (getpoint "\nFirst point of baseline: "))
  (setq pt2 (getpoint pt1 "\nSecond point of baseline: "))
  (setq pt3 (getpoint pt1 "\nPoint of first adjacent side: "))
  (setq pt4 (getpoint pt2 "\nPoint of second adjacent side: "))
  (setq S1 (getreal "\nWanted area: "))
  (setq ang1 (ang_between pt1 pt2 pt1 pt3))
  (setq ang2 (ang_between pt2 pt1 pt2 pt4))
  (setq ang1 (- pi ang1) ang2 (- pi ang2))
  (setq x1
        (* (distance pt1 pt2) (sin ang1))
        (sin (+ ang1 ang2))
        (+ ;or can be "-"
                (* 2.0 S1 (sin (+ ang1 ang2)))
                (* (distance pt1 pt2) (distance pt1 pt2) (sin ang1) (sin ang2))
  (setq x2 (/ (* x1 (sin ang2)) (sin ang1)))
  (setq ptx1 (polar pt1 (angle pt1 pt3) x2))
  (setq ptx2 (polar pt2 (angle pt2 pt4) x1))
  (command "_.line" "_none" ptx1 "_none" ptx2 "")

Creating Polyline from Points

 ;;; to make a 3d polyline*******************************************
 (defun c:pol (/ adoc spc ss cnt plst 3dline)
 (setq adoc(vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (setq spc(vlax-get adoc
 (if (equal (getvar "cvport") 1)
 (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "POINT"))));_select only point objects
 (if ss
 (setq cnt 0);_loop counter
 (setq plst '());_empty list
   (while (< cnt (sslength ss))
 (setq plst (cons(cdr(assoc 10(entget (ssname ss cnt))))plst));_make point list
 (setq cnt (1+ cnt));_incerase counter
 (setq 3dline (vla-add3dpoly ;_make 3d polyline
  (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble
  (cons 0 (1- (length (apply 'append plst)))))
  (apply 'append plst)))
       );_setq add 3dpoly
 ;;; to make a 3d  spline******************************************
 (defun c:spl (/ adoc spc ss cnt plst 3dline stpt ept)
 (setq adoc(vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (setq spc(vlax-get adoc
 (if (equal (getvar "cvport") 1)
 (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "POINT"))))
 (if ss
 (setq cnt 0);_loop counter
 (setq plst '());_empty list
   (while (< cnt (sslength ss))
 (setq plst (cons(cdr(assoc 10(entget (ssname ss cnt))))plst))
 (setq cnt (1+ cnt));_incerase counter
 (setq stpt (vlax-3d-point '(0.0 0.0 0.0)));_start pt for spline
 (setq ept (vlax-3d-point '(0.0 0.0 0.0)));_end pt for spline
 (setq cline (vla-addspline
  (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble
  (cons 0 (1- (length (apply 'append plst)))))
  (apply 'append plst))
       );_setq add 3d spline

Summation of All Polylines

(defun c:PolySum ( / SelSet Item SumLength EntName )
  (if (setq SelSet (ssget '((0 . "*POLYLINE" ))))
      (setq Item 0 SumLength 0 )
      (repeat (sslength SelSet )
        (setq EntName (ssname SelSet Item ) )
        (setq SumLength (+ SumLength (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam EntName (vlax-curve-getEndParam EntName ))) )
        (setq Item (1+ Item ) )
      (princ (strcat "\n" (itoa Item ) " polylines, total length = " (rtos SumLength )) )
    (princ " POLYLINE selected " )

Creating Traverse Line Using Bearing,Distance

; func dms final out put variable is strdeg
; convert angles in degs to rads
(defun dtr (a)
(* pi (/ a 180.00))

(defun rtd (a)
(/ (* a 180.00) pi)
(defun arl (/ ang ctrpt dist doc endpt ent half obj pick space ss1 ss2 stpt delta endang startang)
(setq doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
space (if (= (getvar "cvport") 1)
(vla-get-paperspace doc)
(vla-get-modelspace doc)

(setq ss2 (ssget "L" '((0 . "LINE"))))

(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss2 0))
pick (vlax-get obj 'endpoint)

(setq half (/ (vla-get-length obj) 2.0)
dist (vlax-curve-getdistatpoint obj
(vlax-curve-getclosestpointto obj pick)))
(if (< half dist)
(setq stPt (vlax-get obj 'startpoint)
endPt (vlax-get obj 'endpoint)
(setq stPt (vlax-get obj 'endpoint)
endPt (vlax-get obj 'startpoint)
(setq rad (getdist endPt "\nRadius of arc: ")
ang (angle stPt endPt)
ctrPt (polar endPt (- ang (/ pi 2)) rad)
startang (+ pi (- ang (/ pi 2)))
delta (getangle "\nDelta or Enter to input arc length: ")
(if (= delta nil)
(setq arc (getreal "\nEnter Arc Length: ")
delta (* (/ arc rad) (/ 180 pi))
delta(abs (* pi (/ delta 180.0))))))

(if (minusp rad)
(setq startang (angle ctrPt endPt)
endang (+ startang delta))
(setq endang (angle ctrPt endPt)
startang (- startang delta))
(vlax-invoke space 'addarc ctrPt (abs rad) startang endang)
(setq curveobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))
endpoint (vlax-curve-getStartPoint curveobj)
startpoint (vlax-curve-getendPoint curveobj))


(defun dms ()
(setq deg (getreal "\nEnter degs: "))
(if (= deg nil)
(setq deg 0))
(setq mins (getreal "\nEnter mins: "))
(if (= mins nil)
(setq mins 0))
(setq sec (getreal "\nEnter secs: "))
(if (= sec nil)
(setq sec 0))
(setq ang_degs (+ deg (/ mins 60.0) (/ sec 3600.0))))

;error trapper
(defun c:trav (/ *error*)
(setq b (getvar "osmode"))

(defun *Error* (Err)
(not Err)
(member Err (quote ("console break" "Function cancelled" "quit
/ exit abort")))
(princ (strcat "\nError: " Err))

(if b
(setvar "osmode" b)


(setq b (getvar "osmode"))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(setq Stpt (Getpoint "\nPick starting point or Enter for Lastpoint: "))
(if (null stpt)(setq stpt (getvar "LASTPOINT")))

(while (setq d (getstring "\nEnter Distance or [Arc]: "))
(if (= (strcase d) "A")
(if (minusp rad)
(setvar "lastpoint" startpoint)
(setvar "lastpoint" endpoint))
(setq d (atof d))
(print "4=NW | 1=NE")
(print "-----+----- 5=Last bearing")
(print "3=SW | 2=SE Enter quadrant: ")
(initget "1 2 3 4 5")
(setq quad (atof (getKword)))
(if (= quad 5)(setq bear bear)
(cond ((= quad 1)(setq bear (- 90.0 ang_degs)))
((= quad 2)(setq bear (+ 270.0 ang_degs)))
((= quad 3)(setq bear (- 270.0 ang_degs)))
((= quad 4)(setq bear (+ 90.0 ang_degs)))
); end cond
); end progn
); end if

(setq newpt (polar stpt (dtr bear) d))
(command "LINE" stpt newpt "")
(setq stpt newpt)
(setvar "LASTPOINT" newpt)

((= quad 1) (princ (strcat "N" (rtos deg 2 0) "-" (rtos mins 2 0) "-" (rtos sec 2 0) "E" " " "Dist=" (rtos d 2 2))))
((= quad 2) (princ (strcat "S" (rtos deg 2 0) "-" (rtos mins 2 0) "-" (rtos sec 2 0) "E" " " "Dist=" (rtos d 2 2))))
((= quad 3) (princ (strcat "S" (rtos deg 2 0) "-" (rtos mins 2 0) "-" (rtos sec 2 0) "W" " " "Dist=" (rtos d 2 2))))
((= quad 4) (princ (strcat "N" (rtos deg 2 0) "-" (rtos mins 2 0) "-" (rtos sec 2 0) "W" " " "Dist=" (rtos d 2 2))))
((= quad 5) (princ "\nUsed Last Bearing" ))
(t nil)


) ; end while
(*error* nil)

Labeling Elevation of a Point

(defun c:Pointlabel (/ #SS #Ent)
(and (setq #SS (ssget '((0 . "POINT"))))
(foreach x (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex #SS)))
(setq #Ent (entget x))
(entmakex (list
'(0 . "MTEXT")
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
'(100 . "AcDbMText")
'(71 . 4)
;;(cons 50 (/ pi 4.))
(assoc 10 #Ent)
(cons 1 (rtos (caddr (cdr (assoc 10 #Ent))) (getvar "lunits") 2))
) ;_ list
) ;_ entmakex
) ;_ foreach
) ;_ and
) ;_ defun

Friday, March 14, 2014

Registry of Deeds Offices (NCR, R1, R2, R3)

To all Geodetic Engineers and ordinary Filipinos requesting  Certified True Copy of Land Titles, 
Here are the List of office addresses and Mobile Numbers. enjoy.


> There shall be at least one Register of Deeds for each province and one for each city
> Secretary of Justice: defines the official station and territorial jurisdiction of each Registry upon the recommendation of the LRA administrator, with the end in view of making every Registry easily accessible to the people of the neighboring municipalities
> Register of Deeds: appointed by the President upon recommendation of Secretary of Justice
> Deputy Registers and all subordinate personel of Register of Deeds shall be appointed by the Secretary of Justice upon the recommendation of the LRA Administrator
> Both the Register and his deputies must be members of the Bar

“Deputy Registers may already new or change. “


Station: Manila

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Carolina Ramos-Consunji
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Gil Marasigan
Address: 2nd floor, Manila City Hall
Telephone #: 527-08-78/567-48-71/932-5348

Station: Quezon City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Carlo V. Alcantara
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Myra Roby S. Puruganan
Address: LRA Compound, East Ave., Q.C. 1100
Telephone #: 441-11-67/920-14-86/426-24-86

Station: Makati City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Constante P. Caluya, Jr.
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Teresita Montemayor, Atty. Dorylene S.B. Yara
Address: 5th floor, Makati City Hall, 1200
Telephone #: 896-16-63/896-56-35/899-86-05

Station: Pasay City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Robert M. Guillermo
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Ground floor, Pasay City Hall, 1300
Telephone #: 831-85-32

Station: Malabon/Navotas

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Ricardo Vitug
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Casimiro St., Cor. MH Del Pilar, Tugatog, Malabon, 1404
Telephone #: 

Station: Valenzuela

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Dalisay V. Sacdalan.
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: 2nd floor, JEM Building, Maysan Rd., Valenzuela City, 1405
Telephone #: 293-33-87/293-33-67

Station: San Juan

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Marisa E. Timones
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: No. 5F Blumenrit St., Brgy. Batis, San Juan City, 1500
Telephone #: 726-63-57/725-47-68

Station: Mandaluyong

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Dinna M. Lao
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Manaloto Bldg., Boni Ave., Mandaluyong City, 1501
Telephone #: 532-56-36

Station: Pasig City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Rex Vincent C. Riveral (Actg)
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Rogelio Juan A. Celera
Address: 3rd floor, City Hall, Market Ave., Pasig City, 1600
Telephone #: 460-76-39/747-37-94

Station: Para?aque

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Arnold Bautista
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Municipal Hall Complex, Dr. Santos Ave., Para?aque City, 1700
Telephone #: 825-79-86/820-25-87

Station: Las Pi?as

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Joel E. Paner
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Sofia H. Barcena
Address: City Hall Compound, Las Pi?as City, 1701
Telephone #: 874-31-00

Station: Marikina

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Sedfrey H. Garcia
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Hilarion C. Mogello
Address: 103 J.P. Rizal, Nangka, Marikina City
Telephone #: 948-57-38

Station: Muntinlupa

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Silverio Garing
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Muntinlupa City Hall Compound, Putatan St., Muntinlupa City, 1702
Telephone #: 861-11-25/861-11-31

Station: Antipolo City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Jose S. Loriega, Jr.
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: 3rd flr. REMAR Bldg., Quezon St., Antipolo City, 1906
Telephone #: 697-62-69/697-67-69

Station: Kalookan City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Ricardo Vitug
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: 2nd flr., TPI Bldg., 9th Ave., Grace Park, Kalookan City
Telephone #: 365-76-90

Station: Taguig Pateros

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Randy A. Rutaquio
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Mr. Richard C. Mogello
Address: Unit A, G/F, Ana 8 Bldg., Lot 21, Blk 86, Marichu R. Tinga Avenue, Taguig, Metro Manila (formerly Bayani Road AFPOVAI, Fort Bonifacio)
Telephone #: data not available


Station: Laoag, Ilocos Norte

Registrar of Deeds: Mr. Edisto Marlon P. Valdez
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Brgy. 7 B Giron St. Laoag City
Telephone #: (077) 771-5019

Station: Laoag City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Augustus A. Lucas
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Marcos Hall bldg., Margal St., Laoag City
Telephone #: (077) 771-5080

Station: Batac, Ilocos Norte

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Wellah R. Singson
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: National Road, Brgy. Quiling Sur, Batac City, Ilocos Norte
Telephone #: (077) 792-3684

Station: Vigan, Ilocos Sur

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Jesse I. Tagatac
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Zone V, Quirino Blvd., Bantay, Ilocos Sur
Telephone #: (077) 722-2778

Station: San Fernando, La Union

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Pablito M. Valdez
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Laura Irynn May I. Padua
Address: Sevilla Government Center, San Fernando, La Union
Telephone #: (072) 888-2840

Station: Lingayen, Pangasinan

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Rufino Moreno, Jr.
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Melvin C. Castro DRD
Address: Capitol Cpd., (near Girl Scout Bldg.) Lingayen, Pangasinan
Telephone #: (075) 524-6081

Station: Tayug, Pangasinan

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Amante R. Capuchino
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Justice Hall Bldg., Suyat, Pangasinan, 2445
Telephone #: (075) 572-4101

Station: Dagupan City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. William Simon F. Peralta Jr.
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: A.B. Fernandez St., City Hall Bldg., Left Wing, Dagupan City, 2400
Telephone #: (075) 522-03-13 / (075) 522-67-21

Station: San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Amante R. Capuchino
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: City Hall Bldg., San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420
Telephone #: (075) 955-52-33


Station: Batanes

Registrar of Deeds: Ms. Jocelyn B. Puriran
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Provincial Capitol Bldg., Basco, Batanes
Telephone #: data not available

Station: Tuguegarao, Cagayan(RRD)

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Alexander Simeon, Jr.
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Benifroi P. Pascual (DRD IV), Atty. Herminio Sychangco
Address: Brgy. Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
Telephone #: (078)846-82-61

Station: Sanchez Mira,Cagayan

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Benifroi P. Pascual
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: City Hall Compound, Gomez St., (Centro) Sanchez Mira, Cagayan
Telephone #: data not available

Station: Tuao, Cagayan

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Alexander Simeon, Jr.
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Centro, Tuao, Cagayan (wing gymnasium) in front of Municipal Hall
Telephone #: data not available

Station: Ilagan, Isabela

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Egdona M. Mananquil
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Elyjane Lourdes M. Sumineg
Address: Ground flr., Capitol Bldg., Brgy. Alibago, Ilagan, Isabela
Telephone #: 

Station: Bayombong, N. Vizcaya

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Alexander Calulot
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Melba Nina R. Quinto
Address: Capitol Compound, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Telephone #: (078)321-23-91

Station: Cabarroguis, Quirino

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Ariel C. Vallejo
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Mr. Benjie P. Bautista, Atty. Carlos Serrano
Address: Provincial Capitol Bldg., Cabarroguis, Quirino
Telephone #: data not available

Station: Santiago City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Ariel C. Vallejo 
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: 2nd flr. Multi-purpose Bldg., City Hall Compound, San Andres, Santiago City 3311
Telephone #: (078) 682-4177


Station: San Fernando, Pampanga(RRD)

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Lorna S. Dee
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Enrique Basa
Address: LRA Bldg., Provincial Capitol Compound, San Fernando, Pampanga
Telephone #: (045)961-71-64/961-71-65/961-20-75

Station: Angeles City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Bayani A. Maniquis
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Mr. Lorenz Bautista
Address: City Hall Bldg., Pulung Maragul, Angeles City
Telephone #: (045)322-35-58

Station: Balanga, Bataan

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Emmanuel M. Aquino
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: LRA Bldg., Provincial Capitol Cmpd., Balanga City
Telephone #: (047)2373978

Station: Iba, Zambales

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Athena Tarongoy
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Palanginan, Iba, Zambales
Telephone #: (044) 811-1292

Station: Tarlac, Tarlac

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Ronnie T. Tababa
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Enrico P. Quiambao
Address: Romulo Blvd., San Vicente, Tarlac, Tarlac
Telephone #: (045)982-2353

Station: Guiguinto, Bulacan

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Ramon C. Sampana
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Sta. Rita Market, El Kanto St., Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan
Telephone #: (044)794-1480

Station: Meycauayan, Bulacan

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Domingo Paguia
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Brgy. Iba, Moralla St. Meycauayan, Bulacan
Telephone #: (044)228-3764 / (044)228-3768

Station: Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Teodoro C. Linsangan
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Ground flr. Justice Hall Bldg., ACFA District, Maharlika Hi-way, Cabanatuan City
Telephone #: (044) 600-3361/600-2072

Station: Talavera, Nueva Ecija

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Napoleon M. Reyes
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Municipal Hall Compound, Talavera, Nueva Ecija 3114
Telephone #: (044)411-3354

Station: Cabanatuan City

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Fidel G. Ortaleza
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Cabanatuan City Hall Compound, Kapitan Pepe Subd., Phase II, Cabanatuan City
Telephone #: (044) 600-3661

Station: Palayan City

Registrar of Deeds: Ex-officio RD Carmelito T. Mangulaban
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: Brgy. Singalat, Palayan City 3132
Telephone #: 

Station: San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

Registrar of Deeds: Atty. Napoleon M. Reyes
Deputy Registrar of Deeds: 
Address: 2nd flr., Villa Gracia Bldg., 20th St., cor. Rizal Ave., Olongapo City
Telephone #: (047) 611-0519/(044) 947-1972